The Path
Updated: Feb 8, 2024
When I first came to the Path, I had never heard of it, nor much of what it entailed in the sense of spirituality that came out of India. It wasn’t until I met Kathy, first in July of 2000, that I heard the first tenets: 1) Meditation for 2 ½ hours per day, 2) No meat, fish, or eggs, and 3) No alcohol or drugs. When She asked me if meditating 2 ½ hours a day would be a problem, I told Her no because I was already meditating 5 hours a day to try to get through whatever was happening to me that was effectively destroying my life. It wasn’t working, yet some part of me thought that if I just meditated enough, it would stop.
I understand now that without a Guide to lead me Home inside, the effort would not be wasted, but would be extended greatly. There are so many regions inside – heavens, hells, and everything in between, and the way is long. While the tenets of following the Path are simple, there is nothing easy about it. In fact, Kathy’s husband David used to jokingly tell me to run as fast as I could away! In order to fully merge back into God and to remember our True Self, all attachments, desires, and ego must vanquish and we simply cannot do that alone. Which is why Saints have been coming to earth for so long. To guide us safely and as quickly as possible, Home.
Disciple. Initiate. It all completely freaked me out at first. I feared that I had found a cult and that someone had put something in the water to make me see and hear so much. Only I was having these experiences before I met Kathy, they only intensified after initiation. It is said that not even Kal himself, another word for Satan, or universal mind can come near the initiate that has received Nam (initiation and instructions on how to meditate and a mantra) from a True Master. And She was that.
In time, I realized that if this was a cult, She was doing a lousy job running it. Everything was totally free and nobody was charged any money to stay at the property Kathy had named The Highlands. Even meals were all free, and people could come and go as they wished. In fact, all initiates are instructed to live in the world but to not be of the world and most initiates lived ordinary lives after initiation. It was pretty rare, I found out later, for people to come and stay like I did. Kathy and her husband David were literally the most generous and giving people I had ever met in my life in every way, financially, physically, spiritually, and especially with Love. They showered everyone with it. That isn’t to say they let anyone walk all over them. For a while maybe, but I and every initiate at some point or another, knew when Kathy was not having it and when we were not speaking or behaving in a way that worked for our spiritual growth. All any of us ever wanted to do was to please Her and even the slightest disapproval from Her would correct behavior. It was truly amazing.
Once I received initiation and followed the diet (I was already alcohol and drug free), I started to learn more subtle habits that made the Path more potent, like creating an atmosphere of meditation by going to bed and waking at the same time every day and meditating at the same time every day. Once the habit is formed, it is easier to just do it. Also, I learned that the hour of elixir is at 3:00 AM and is considered the most potent and etherically free time to start one’s meditation every day. Creating habits was also really imperative with saying my mantra or “the Names” that I was given at initiation. At first, I just had sticky notes on everything I looked at – they were everywhere – so that I would be reminded immediately to start them again and to keep them rolling in my mind all day long. The Names are a point of focus for an initiate and allow one to create a new groove in the mind to overcome the incessant chatter of the mind. There is more to the Names than that, and that is revealed at initiation.
I also learned that saying Names and meditating many hours every day were all pure Grace. All of it is just pure Grace. When we think of the Master, or are pulled to meditation, it is really the Master pulling us and that only happens with Grace. Equal to it are the days when the full 2 ½ hours is not met or when an initiate cannot meditate at all, and it does happen to all of us at some point in the journey along the Path. Feeling guilt or feeling sad – all Grace. It is all, in the end, just Grace.
Sending Love,