The Longing and the Yearning
Updated: Apr 9, 2024
"How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height my soul can reach when feeling out of sight." -Sonnet 43, Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Today my first book has been published on Amazon – a series of poems depicting the longing and the yearning for God, embodied in the form of my living Master, Kathy. It never goes away, the longing and the yearning, and it increases as one meditates, bringing the soul closer and closer to God, until finally the longing intensifies to such a degree that the soul bursts back into God. Well, the soul doesn’t “burst” but merges back into God.
From my book, The Longing and the Yearning:
Since humans first walked the earth, there has been a teacher of
Sound and Light meditation. The student is instructed by a living
Master to repeat a mantra given at initiation to still the mind.
Through the guidance of the Teacher, the student will hear God.
Also called the Holy Spirit, Naam, and other Names throughout
time, this Sound will lead the student through increasing levels of
the Light of God, until they reach their true home, Sach Khand.
The combined effort of Simran (repeating the Holy Names),
Dhyan (attention), and Bhajan (listening to the Divine Sound), will
eventually allow the student to rise above the mind into regions
of bliss and peaceful harmony, finally merging back into God. The
most important factor in reaching the highest inner states of
consciousness is the longing and the yearning for God.
I can’t remember how many times Kathy told all of us that when She asked Maharaj Ji what the most important thing to gain God realization was, He told Her that it was the longing and the yearning. She told me personally, us in small groups, said it during Satsang, until it became almost a mantra in itself. She said it so much that it is and has been the one thing that I have prayed for the last 24 years before any other thing, because everything else comes after that.
I have only known one true living Master in this incarnation, so I can’t speak for any others about how intensely the Master invokes this longing and yearning within their initiates. It becomes palpable, demanding, and overrides every other thing until all that you want, all that you long for, is That Love, merging forevermore in That Sound and That Light. It overtakes your senses and desires mostly, pulling you away more and more from the distractions of this world until there is nothing but That. God designed it this way and that is why there is always one of God’s sons or daughters on this plane at all times, who have their allotted souls to return.
Today is the solar eclipse and seems apropos for the release of my first book in the sense that longing and yearning are much like merging night and day and both are necessary for the soul to return to God. In any event, I know it has all been Her – the guidance to write the book and especially the longing and the yearning to return to Her forevermore. All is connected to Her, flows through Her, and is now flowing through all of us, Her initiates. I hope so much that She is pleased. Knowing Kathy’s love for each one of us, I feel certain She is.
Sending love to all,