Updated: Feb 9, 2024
Recently I was speaking with a friend who was challenged to attend meetings with her spiritual group because she did not feel that she was in the association of saints there. So, she went to another division of the same spiritual practice and totally enjoyed it and felt peace. I told her, and believe, and have experienced personally that it is so easy to go into someone else’s house where you don’t know anyone and only see how perfect, peaceful, and beautiful things are when your own house feels like it is on fire. But it is not the case and it is very likely that at least one person in the unknown group is feeling very much the same about that perfect setting.
Kathy always said that karma is all that is happening here on earth and that this is where we come to work it out, and that we have been doing that for billions of years. The Indian saints call a period of time yugas and call karma the Wheel of Transmigration, and it has been written about over and over again in many different paths. Our souls have been recycling as everything that exists for millions and millions of years. Ultimately, we come with a set of characteristics and set patterns, or dharma, and we act out our karma. The only way to delete karma is through meditation and the Grace of a living Master. They are able to absorb the karma of their disciples and it is why Jesus said to Simon, “Come unto me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” in Matthew 11:28 of The Bible. He was able to take the karma of his disciples because he had no karma of his own and he was a direct source to ease the burden of those souls that were marked for him. It is what Kathy did and is doing for us.
Meditation and attending the Satsang of a living Master are the only other ways to burn karma. It is during meditation when the disciple has been initiated and has been given their mantra by the Master that they are able to still the mind, focus, and repeat those Names over and over, burning their karma away. Veil after veil after veil is burned. And call me crazy, but I swear that over time, the burden really does feel lighter. That said, karma is karma, and it is up to us if we want to add more to our lot. This is why the Masters tell us not to eat meat, fish, and eggs and not to drink alcohol or take illegal drugs. By ingesting those things while meditating, our karmic load stays exactly the same. When following the vows of the Path and continuing to meditate, slowly, slowly, slowly, the veils are lifted, and we start to remember who we are and from whence we came.
The Path is so simple, but there is 100% nothing easy about it. Pushing back and eliminating the ego is hard, hard work. The hardest. And it will fight back with everything it has. That is its job. Because if we still desire anything other than just God and God’s Love, then it is for that Shabd, that Sound and Light, that Essence, to allow us to have it. Free will is real and whatever we wish will become ours in time. I imagine this is why Jesus advised his disciples against fantasizing as well in Luke 21:34 of The Bible when he said, “watch yourselves lest your hearts be weighed down with dissipation and drunkenness and cares of this life.”
In The Living Master, Kathy quotes Maharaj Ji saying, “The first touchstone or test of spirituality is that no desire for sense pleasure remains alive. If even remotely there appears the seed of such pleasure, it should be completely uprooted and destroyed. The tiniest ripple of such cravings can destroy the calm of the sea of meditation and take the devotee farther from his path. Since Nam is the only elixir that can wean the mind away from them, it should be our endeavor to strive for the treasure of Nam.” Nam is of course, the Sound, and also denotes the Names given a disciple at the time of initiation.
One thing is for sure, and that is that I have been meditating now for over 3 decades, and if anything, at times my karma feels heavier, not lighter. This sounds counterintuitive, but it is true that the nearer one gets to God, the more fierce do the forces of evil test her. That is from Stigmata, and it has been my experience. It is also true that through meditation, I find it easier to quickly move through to a more peaceful and serene state. Not right away, but much, much faster than before.
Sending so much love,
The Longing and Yearning is something we feel inside us..it creates a feeling of wanting love from God and takes our hearts ., and often our deep emotions inside us to tears we so want to be closer to our souls..Gods soul..our true reality. It is God calling us to come home to love
Our Source. And return HOME .It is a blessed feeling that we feel very real in our hearts 💝